Corporate Social Responsibility


PACPRIL is in the business of manufacturing wide range of castings of Alloy Iron (such as Gray Iron, S.G. Iron, Chilled Iron, Malleable Iron, CG Iron etc.) andComponents. The Components are for 2Ws, 3Ws, Automobiles, IC engines, Compressors, Hydraulics, Locomotives, Railways, Power, Infrastructure and other Industries.

Preamble :
Right from its inception, the Promoters of PACPRIL believed in contributing towards social good. PACPRIL has been supporting several interventions in the field of education, and health for the benefit of the communitiesaround its area factory locationsin Shirwal and Satara.
The Vision of the company“Our existence will lead to the betterment of the community around us” continues to motivate the management to look beyond profit and commit to community development.
Post the revision of Company’s Act 2013, PACPRIL resolved to convert their informal pursuit for development into a CSR Policy.

Purpose of CSR Policy :
The key purpose of this policy is to
Define what CSR means to us and the approach adopted to achieve our goals
Define thematic areas the kind of projects that will be supported as CSR Define modes of CSR implementations
Give guidelines for implementing, monitoring and reporting CSR projects
Explain the way the community contribution and surpluses from CSR projects will be treated

What CSR Means to PACPRIL :
At PACPRIL we are conscious of our responsibility towards the society in which we exist and we are grateful to all elements in the society which have contributed to our survival and growth as a business entity. We strive to support and strengthen the development of the communities in which we operate through sustainable initiatives in the areas of education, health, sanitation and such other areas as prescribed under Section 135 of Companies Act, 2013.

PACPRIL conceives CSR as a mission for inclusive growth that,
Contributes to education of next generation who come from disadvantaged backgrounds due to remote locations, economic backwardness
EnhancesLocal environment and Natural resources like water, soil, vegetation and livestock
Protectslong term interests and relationships of the company and its key stakeholders

PACPRIL’s CSR Values :

PACPRIL’s CSR focus in line with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 :
PACPRIL will undertake CSR activities in the following broad areas
Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled
Promoting preventive health care, sanitation and safe drinking water
Implementing livelihood enhancement projects
Promoting gender equality, empowering women
Implementing projects for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economicallybackward groups
Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance and conservation of natural resources
Taking up rural development projects.

Mode of Implementation for CSR projects :
The Board may decide to implement the CSR activities inany of the following ways
Directly implementing projects on its own or through its own non-profit registered trust
Making grants to an independent implementation partner who shall be a reputed non-profit making registered trust / registered society / company incorporated under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 or Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 having a track record of at least three years in undertaking similar programs / projects / activities.
Collaborating or pooling resources withother companies.

CSR Budget :
The total budget for CSR projects will be decided by the CSR Committee. The CSR committee will be responsible for preparing a detailed plan on CSR activities, including the expenditure, the type of activities, roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders and a monitoring mechanism for such activities. The same will be recommended to the Board for its approval. The Board will consider and approve the CSR Plan with any modification that may be deemed necessary. The CSR committee shall ensure that the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder are duly complied with by PACPRIL on annual basis.
In terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company may build CSR capacities of their own personnel as well as those of their implementing agencies through institutions with established track record of at least three financial years; but such expenditure, including expenditure on administrative overheads shall not exceed five percent of total CSR expenditure of the Company in one financial year. Any unutilized portion of CSR budget shall be reported annually as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
However, salaries paid by PACPRIL to regular CSR staff as well as to volunteers of PACPRIL for proportionate time / hours spent specifically on CSR activities can be factored into CSR project cost as part of the CSR expenditure.

Governance Structure :
We have constituted a robust and transparent governance structure to oversee the implementation of our CSR Policy, in compliance with the requirements of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Board-level CSR Committee :
At PACPRIL, our CSR governance structure will be headed by the Board Level CSR committee that will be ultimately responsible for the CSR projects undertaken. The committee will report to our Board of Directors.

Members :
Mr. P. N. Paranjape
Ms. N. P. Paranjape

Responsibilities of the CSR Committee :
To formulate and recommend to the Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
To recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities referred to in clause (I).
To monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the company from time to time.
To prepare a transparent monitoring mechanism for ensuring implementation of the projects/programs/activities proposed to be undertaken by the Company.

Reporting Framework :
The CSR Committee will assign the task of implementation of the CSR plan within specified budgets and timeframes to such persons or bodies as it may deem fit. The persons/bodies to whomthe implementation is assigned will carry out such CSR programs as determined by the CSR Committee within the specified budgets and timeframes and report back on the progress thereon at such frequency as the CSR Committee may direct.
The CSR Committee shall review the implementation of the CSR Programs once a quarter and issue necessary directions from time to time to ensure orderly and efficient execution of the CSR Programs in accordance with this Policy.
Once in six months the CSR Committee will provide a status update to the Board on the progress of implementation of the approved CSR Programs carried out during the six months period. It shall be the responsibility of the CSR Committee to review such reports and keep the Board apprised of the status of implementation of the same. At the end of every financial year, the CSR Committee will submit its report to the Board in the prescribed format as set out herein as Annexure I.

Community Contribution :
PACPRIL will encourage community / beneficiaries to contribute towards project activities and outcomes. This may be in kind or cash. In such cases the project implementors will keep records of the contributions in a separate ledger per project and ensure that the contribution is tracked and channelized into CSR projects and disclosed as “community Contribution”. These funds will in no case be used for normal business activities.

Treatment of Surpluses :
Any surplus generated from CSR projects undertaken by us will be tracked and channelized into our CSR corpus. These funds will be further used in development of the CSR projects and will not be added to the normal business expenses or profits.

CSR Monitoring and Reporting :
All the CSR projects will be reviewed by CSR committee on a quarterly basis. A third party assessment will be conducted annually for course corrections and improvements.
An independent CSR Report and Compliance Report will be prepared on annual basis. A gist of CSR report will be included in the Directors Report and uploaded on website as public disclosure.
PACPRIL may hire CSR consultants as third party for CSR monitoring, ensuring compliance and validation of reports.

General :
The CSR Policy referred to above is to be read in conjunction with Companies Act, 2013 and The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.
Any or all provisions of the CSR Policy would be subject to revision / amendment in accordance with the guidelines on the subject as may be issued from the Government from time to time or as decided by the Board of Directors of the Company.
The above Policy Guidelines are subject to review at suitable intervals and subject to revision accordingly.


Vision of PACPRIL’s Education Programme :
All children, particularly from disadvantaged sections of society, develop positive self image, realize inherent potentials and continuously learn new concepts and skills to become self-reliant civil society members.

PACPRIL’s Education Mission Statement:
To create conducive environment and learning opportunities suitable for specific needs of children coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Project :
Enabling Anganwadi Workers (AWWs), Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) and caregivers in the intervention Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) to facilitate learning.
Developing and documenting curriculum, materials, methodology as guidelines for evolving model AWCs so that Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) Dept may adopt and emulate in other AWCs.

Project Activities :
Developing materials and pedagogy to cover Aakar curriculum (academic) and go beyond to include other essential factors to develop multiple intelligence (Harvard Gardner) including social and emotional
Capacity building of AWWs and AWHs on the above
Monitoring and mentoring of AWWs and AWHs
Onsite support and handholding of AWWs and AWHs
Facilitating partnership between Community and AWCs to strengthen quality of ECE
Sensitizing Caregivers about ECE needs and appropriate proactive actions
Preparing communication materials for ICDS and other interested stakeholders to underline the importance of AWCS and ECE
Networking and lobbying with ICDS and local stakeholders for improving quality of ECE in AWCs and ECE project trouble shooting.

Anand Vidyalaya Project :
To provide special education to children identified with ‘learning’ disability at school level, in and around Shirwal through a full-time education facility

Project Activities :
Identifying children with learning disabilities in the proximity of Shirwal with the help of teachers through observation
Conducting psychological assessments of the students to classify the nature and severity of their disability
Preparing and executing Individual Education Plan of each student
Conducting classroom sessions for the enrolled students for improvement in social / academic skills and in all-round personality
Developing materials and teaching methods to enhance the social, emotional and vocational skills of students
Giving counseling and guidance to parents to help their ward with their academic progress and all-round development

Gulmohar Remedial Centre Project :
Objectives :
To provide remedial sessions to children identified with ‘learning’ disability at primary school level, in and around Satara through a support center.

Project Activities :
Creating awareness amongst teachers and parents by conducting awareness sessions and workshops on learning disabilities
Identifying children with learning disabilities in the proximity of Satara town with the help of teachers through observation
Conducting psychological assessments of the students to classify the nature and severity of their disability
Preparing and executing Individual Education Plan of each student
Conducting remedial sessions for the enrolled students for improvement in social/ academic skills and in all-round personality
Developing materials and teaching methods to enhance the social, emotional and vocational skills of student
Counseling and guidance to parents to help their ward with their academic progress and all-round development

Sarvangin Gunvatta Vikas Prakalp, Kumathe Beat Project :
Objectives :
To improve the quality of education provided to the primary school students through a more evolved approach “constructivism” (Dnyan Rachanavad) for all-round development of the students, in selected Zilla Parishad schools

Project Activities :
Finding out common training needs of Block Education Extension Officer, for teachers of Kumathe Beat
Capacity building of teachers by providing training on Math, Language and Science according to the identified needs

Rural Development

Jalsandharan Prakalpa :
To support water conservation efforts of local community to address water shortage in Satara District

Project Activities :
To identify villages in Satara district facing severe water shortage
To define solutions for addressing water shortage with the help of the community
To implement water conservation solutions in coordination with the community such as Village stream widening and deepening, Deep Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Cement Nala Bunds (CNB), Earthen Nala Bunds (ENB)

Solar Projects :
To demonstrate use of solar energy for various purposes in villages as incentive to their collective water conservation effort

Project Activities :
Inviting proposals for solar applications from Gram Panchayats involved in water conservation
Discussing and designing potential energy generation and use that will satisfy unmet needs
Selecting and appointing a technical partner, by inviting quotations, evaluating their technical specifications, competence and costs
Doing MOU with the Gram Panchayat for repairs and maintenance of the installed system
To implement solar energy projects in coordination with the community
To track and disclose energy generation to promote alternate sources of energy


PACPRIL Aunnual CSR Report 2023-24

PACPRIL Aunnual CSR Report 2022-23

PACPRIL Aunnual CSR Report 2021-22

PACPRIL Aunnual CSR Report 2020-21

PACPRIL Aunnual CSR Report 2018-19

PACPRIL CSR Annual Report 2017-18

PACPRIL CSR Annual Report 2016-17

PACPRIL CSR Compliance Report 2021-22

PACPRIL CSR Compliance Report 2018-19

PACPRIL CSR Compliance Report 2017-18



Mr. Prasanna Paranjape (CMD) and Mrs. Neha Paranjape (Director) of PACPRIL received the award at the hands of Hon. President of India Shri. Ram Nath Kovind.

PACPRIL has been awarded the “National CSR Award 2018” in the category ‘Excellence in CSR’ for its flagship project Early Childhood Education Project at the hands of President of India, Hon. Ramnath Kovind at Vigyan Bhavan, Delhi on 29th October 2019.

This recognition is for the CSR work of the Company in 52 Anganwadi (Pre- primary) centers of Khandala taluka in Satara district covering about 1000 children in the age group of 3-6 yrs. The objective of the program is to build capacity of Anganwadi workers and helpers through recurrent training for child centric and activity based learning. PACPRIL is providing material for the purpose, Monitoring and mentoring of the Anganwadi workers, Engaging the caregivers and community in the process is done with the help of 7 field coordinators.